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Filtering by: “Science Advocacy Event”

The Physics of Computation Conference: 40 Years Later
to Aug 31

The Physics of Computation Conference: 40 Years Later

Danny Hillis, et al reunion at Endicott House in Boston

40 years ago at Endicott House, some of the greatest minds in physics and the foundations of computation came together in order to share their conceptual difficulties and their latest ideas in cutting edge computational design and consider the future development of computers. Today we reflect on works that they shared, how they came to their ideas, their struggles and our own best and latest insights for the sake of continuing the work they laid the groundwork for.

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Salon: The Ethics of Spinoza and Quantum Mechanics

Salon: The Ethics of Spinoza and Quantum Mechanics

On Jan 29 at 5pm, join us for a presentation and pseudo-formal salon on the connections between the ethical philosophy of Baruch Spinoza and the latest concepts in quantum mechanics, led by Turing Founders Michele Reilly and Seth Lloyd. Wine, cheese, and intellectual conversation on offer.

Entry is open to the public.
Email Contact@RechnenderRaum.com with questions.

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Quantum and Machine Learning Workshop

Quantum and Machine Learning Workshop

Can classical quantum-hybrid techniques improve autonomous driving? What is the impact of quantum processing in different industries? Today, several of the world’s foremost AI and machine learning experts will join us in the gallery to discuss these and other issues.

This workshop explores the overlap between classical and quantum artificial intelligence.

Guest speakers: Yann LeCun, Michele Reilly, Seth Lloyd et al

  • Quantum Machine Learning and AI Questions

  • How the mind works: Different ML models

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Event Calendar


Q&A: What types of events does REchnender Raum Put on?

These are, broadly, the types of public and private events which Rechnender Raum will hold regularly. We’re also always open to collaboration and event hosting; if you’ve got an idea for a great event in our space, don’t hesitate to reach out with a proposal!


Science Advocacy Events

Join us for regular gatherings bringing together the brilliant members of our community for salons, panels, and lectures on the conceptual frontiers of science, technology, and aesthetics.

Workshops and Community Events

From NFT creation, to juggling fire, to the basics of applied quantum technology, experts and friends of the gallery always have something useful to teach gallery visitors.

Social Functions

Rechnender Raum is as much a social space as a functional one. If you’ve been invited to one of our private social events, or have taken an interest in one of our public ones, you can find more details here.